
New patients: call 503-477-5167 to schedule your first appointment. Due to call volume, it may take up to 5-7 business days for us to return new patient calls, but we will be in touch!

You may request a new patient appointment online, but these require a call back before they can be confirmed.  By calling first, we can confirm your appointment right away!

Dr. Mayer and Dr. Sweet are not accepting new patients. Dr. Sentell is only accepting new patients for services related to Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy.

Return patients can schedule online and confirm appointments instantly.

Return patients may cancel appointments online via the Charm Patient Portal. Alternatively, you may call 503-477-5167 to cancel an appointment. Please see "Clinic Policies" for further information regarding appointment cancellations.

We look forward to seeing you!

Scroll down below to find your provider and select a time that works for you. See you soon!

For appointments with our affiliated providers:

Jennifer Netzer, LAc

Luna Pereira, LMT